
Protecting your site

Security is built-in, not an afterthought

When we build your website, we take into consideration every facet of the platform, so it’s extendable, robust, and focused on performance. Security and maintenance are front of mind.

Security begins with a hardening process  When we build your site, we lock down file permissions and access rights, addressing the ways hackers get into a site. Running Open Source platforms like WordPress require maintenance and vigilance, and we make improvements continually.

Multiple levels of protection, alert mechanisms, industry best practices and continual maintenance keep your site up and running.

After your site goes live, we run a suite of security plugins that protect you from brute-force attacks, malware, and malicious code.

Disaster recovery means daily site backups. We have several layers of service to offer, relative to your needs. In the event your site is hacked, we start with recovery and escalate services until we restore services.

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