Category: Articles

  • SBA Loans During COVID-19

    SBA Loans During COVID-19

    Is your business struggling during the Corona Virus crisis?

    For your practices and your clients, the CARES Act provides for assistance to small business. Anxiety abounds as programs running out of money, new rules are being issued and we’re all struggling to maintain our businesses—and keep employees and payroll during this unprecedented shut down of our economy.


    The place to go for information is SBA.GOV

    Interesting that I write this on April 15th—Tax Day. It’s not lost on us, as we address both our taxes, and our business works to survive the Corona Virus crisis.

    As a small business owner myself, it’s important to get professional advise–and there’s not much happening in this regard. If your practice helps business make these decisions, you should be communicating that you can help.

    Coronavirus (COVID-19): Small Business Guidance & Loan Resources

    Health and government officials are working together to maintain the safety, security, and health of the American people. Small businesses are encouraged to do their part to keep their employees, customers, and themselves healthy.

    Coronavirus Funding Options

    Click here to learn more about available SBA loan and debt relief options.

    Our nation’s small businesses are facing an unprecedented economic disruption due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. On Friday, March 27, 2020, the President signed into law the CARES Act, which contains $376 billion in relief for American workers and small businesses.

    EIDL Loan Advance

    Take advantage of this Economic Injury Disaster Loan Emergency Advance and keep your business in business. Our firm lost clients at the onset of the Corona Virus crisis, due to events that had to be cancelled.

    This loan advance will provide up to $10,000 of economic relief to businesses that are currently experiencing temporary difficulties. In theory, they can provide funds in 3 days. Find out if you’re eligible—and ask your financial and legal professionals for help.

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    Paycheck Protection Program

    The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) is intended to help you keep people employed. This loan program provides loan forgiveness for retaining employees by temporarily expanding the traditional SBA 7(a) loan program.

    Rules are changing and money supplies are dwindling. We recommend you work with your accountant or tax planning firm to file this one. Penalties for abusing this look to be severe.

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    Paycheck Protection Program of the CARES Act

    Watch this informative webinar from InterActive Legal and its partners, presented on April 13, 2020.

    Shared with permission. Visit

    SBA Express Bridge Loans

    If you already have a relationship with SBA, this might be a resource, or lender of last resort. Enables small businesses who currently have a business relationship with an SBA Express Lender to access up to $25,000 quickly.

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    SBA Debt Relief

    Serious debt relief possibilities for those of you with an SBA loan. The SBA is providing a financial reprieve to small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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    To learn more about the relief options available for your business, click here.

  • How will the Secure Act effect retirement benefits?

    How will the Secure Act effect retirement benefits?

    Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act of 2019

    On December 20, 2019, President Trump signed the SECURE (Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement) Act. This new law changes how Americans will save for retirement.

    The Secure Act is a game changing piece of legislation that’s shaking established practices for how we save for retirement—and how we’re taxed. Professionals who help us manage our retirements are scrambling to understand the impact.

    With the decline of traditional retirement methods, most of us are now responsible for saving for our own retirement. And some figures suggest that 25% of Americans have nothing saved for retirement.

    While many are quick to blame the President for changing the status quo, bipartisan support in both the House and Senate helped pass this legislation. The reality is, we need to encourage and simplify saving for retirement.

    The Secure Act Decoded

    Industry Expert, Natalie Choate, author of “Life and Death Planning for Retirement Benefits“, was quick to dig into the new law. She’s offering a timely webinar, that is a must see for industry pros.

    Whether you are a Trusts and Estates attorney, an Elder Law attorney, a Special Needs Planner, a Financial Advisor, Tax Accountant or CPA, you’ll want to hear Natalie break down just what this means for your future and existing clients.

    This Webinar is not longer viewable

    You are moments away from hearing the nation’s leading author and expert on retirement planning dissect the SECURE Act and clarify just what this means for estate planners.

    For more information, visit Retirement Benefits Planning, where you can subscribe to the digital version of Life and Death Planning for Retirement Benefits.

  • Results from ABA report show the need for a well thought out online presence

    Results from ABA report show the need for a well thought out online presence

    With our focus on online promotion, we’re seeing trends that should serve as a wake-up call for any practice. National companies are surging at the expense of the future of your law firm. The need for digital marketing has never been greater. How does your site perform? 

    The American Bar Association (ABA) conducted its Legal Technology Survey report, gathering information from May through October of 2018. 

    Respondents to the portion of the 2018 Survey covering websites and law firm marketing consisted largely of solos (42%) and firms of 2-9 attorneys (32%), followed by 12% at firms of 10-49 attorneys, and 14% at firms of 50+ lawyers.  

    The average age of all respondents was 54 years of age, and on average, respondents have been admitted to the bar for 25 years. 

    Here are some of the notable results: 

    • The internet can help to level the playing field significantly, allowing smaller firms and solos to compete for business that, in the past, would be taken over by larger, national firms
    • Solo practitioners and small firms who develop a good internet marketing strategy still have the opportunity to use the internet to stand out and differentiate themselves. 
    • Based on the 2018 Survey results however, a significant number of solo and small firms are not taking advantage of this opportunity. 

    Hence, we reach out to you, now.  

    Once again, the majority of solos rely on themselves (63%) to create content for their website, alternatively, they outsource to outside consultants or providers (37%).  

    Respondents from firms of 2-9 attorneys are almost evenly split between relying on one lawyer in their firm (37%), an outside consultant or provider (35%), and more than one lawyer in their firm (29%). 

    We augment your team and help you more effectively and efficiently reach prospects.  

    Solos and small firms that still do not have a web presence and a website with their own domain name are missing crucial opportunities to bolster their practice.

    One major takeaway should be of course, that you don’t own your social media platforms. 

    While many of these lawyers undoubtedly have some internet presence on other sites such as AvvoFacebook, or LinkedIn, it is important for lawyers to have an internet presence that they control and content that they own.  

    The platforms are not future-proof and can dwindle off as quickly as they gain traction. If your law firm content and information reside only on these platforms, you’re taking an unnecessary risk. 

    We understand that, while you cannot own your Facebook page or LinkedIn content, you certainly own and manage your website. Don’t place all your eggs in one basket, especially one you can’t control.  

    Learn how PracticeDev can grow your business, while you focus on growing your clients. Contact us for a gratis 30-minute discovery session.

    For more information, view the report on the America Bar Association’s site:…/Marketing/